Y90s Personography Data Model
In modelling biographical data for the entities that contributed to the 8 late-Victorian little magazines digitized on Yellow Nineties 2.0, the Personography team negotiates a balance between
- respecting the heterogeneity of individual lives and the need for consistency and interoperability of linked open data;
- documenting historical contexts and increasing visibility of persons and works less visible in the historical record;
- maintaining procedural practicality and an intersectional, feminist humanities praxis
To read about how we structured our data, including relationships between categories, definitions of terms, and the rationale behind the vocabularies we selected, view theĀ Ontology Specification Document (2.2).
Created in Linked Open Data, the Y90s Personography dataset has been ingested into LINCS, the Linked Infrastructure for Networked Cultural Scholarship directed by Susan Brown at the University of Guelph. Using the LINCS Research Space, users can query and analyze the relationships, connections, and social networks of the people who contributed to Yellow Nineties magazines in relation to other entities in the LINCS dataset.